About us


Lasvit is a Bohemian design and artisan house bringing thousand years of glassmaking craftsmanship into the future by making sublime glass and light creations that are loved globally. We design and produce site-specific glass lighting installations, lighting and glassware collections, and artisanal glass for architecture.


Through our work, we strive to find what is overshadowed by superficial beauty. We are after meaningful, human, and even mind-healing experiences—a source of joy and fulfilment that material possessions often cannot replicate.

Globally Site-Specific

Our 12 ateliers around the world provide our clients with local support and an understanding of the local culture, while drawing on the expertise of a global team. With empathy and a personalized approach, we meet our clients where they are—whether creating a visionary landmark or bringing out the full potential of their space under tight constraints. We tailor the scope and complexity of our services to cover projects on the whole spectrum. The result is over 3000 bespoke installations worldwide in the most iconic cultural institutions, retail spaces, hotels, private residences, and public spaces.

Our Roots

We hold a deep appreciation for the traditional glassworking methods that live among the hills and mountains of Northern Bohemia for more than 1000 years.

Our fundamental creative approach is based on the experience of two craft-defining glassworks Chřibská 1414, the oldest glassworks in Europe, and Ajeto glassworks, renowned for constantly melting, bending and reshaping the rules of glassmaking. This is where our roots are, where we draw our elemental inspiration from and then merge it with new influences from around the globe.

Lasvit DNA

We embody a "can-do" spirit, always seeking out solutions to any challenges that may arise in our creative process. Whether it's a technical hurdle or a logistical obstacle, we are driven by a relentless determination to overcome it and deliver exceptional results.

We take pride in our commitment to the Lasvit values of Love, Inspiration, and Responsibility. We believe that love is the foundation of all great design, and we strive to infuse every project with a sense of passion and emotion. Inspiration is our driving force, fueling our creative spark and pushing us to explore new boundaries. And with responsibility, we recognize our duty to leave a positive impact on the world and its people.

People behind Lasvit

Rather than merely adhering to established techniques, we view our glassmakers as true artists and glass as their playground for experimentation. In cooperation with our design team, led by award-winning Creative Director Maxim Velčovský, they infuse their artisanal excellence with innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology.

Lasvit Artisans

Ajeto Glassworks carries on the Bohemian glass tradition conserved by generations of our artisans and now also the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Maxim Velčovský

Maxim Velčovský participated in over ninety joint exhibitions, and his works are included in the Victoria & Albert Museum collections in London and the Design Museum in Lausanne. He was named Art Director of the Year by Interior Design magazine and became the Czech Designer of the Year. Maxim has been Lasvit’s Art Director since 2011.

Our Expert Team

Our expert engineering teams work magic with light. Through cutting-edge technology and innovative design, they can truly reveal our installations beating hearts. We can make our creations move, light up to sound or music, change colors or add dynamic light pat- terns. We are constantly challenging the frontiers of glass art.

Awards & Achievements